张文华,男,教授,博士研究生导师,南京林业大学土木工程学院,建筑工程系。现为中国硅酸盐学会固废分会青年委员会委员,RILEM(国际材料与结构研究实验联合会)会员,领域权威期刊《Construction and Building Materials》、《工程力学》、《硅酸盐学报》、《应用力学学报》等杂志审稿专家。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 51978339),超高性能混凝土长期水稳定性演化机理和预测模型研究,62万,2020.01-2023.12
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 51678309),自减振多壁碳纳米管超高性能混凝土制备及其阻尼调控机理研究,62万,2017.01-2020.12
3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金(No.51308302),高温养护条件下现代水泥基材料早期微结构演变及调控机理研究,25万,2014.01-2016.12
4. 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目(BK20161529),基于微结构的碳纳米管水泥基复合材料阻尼调控机理研究,10万,2017.07-2019.9
5. 中国博士后基金面上项目,A类,基于阻尼耗能的自减振超高性能混凝土制备及其性能研究,8万元,2017.07-2019.9
6. 江苏省博士后基金面上项目,基于多壁碳纳米管的阻尼增强水泥基复合材料制备及其性能研究,B类,4万元,2017.07-2019.9
7. 硅酸盐建筑材料国家重点实验室开放基金(SYSJJ2017-09),高阻尼超高性能混凝土制备及其性能研究,5万元,2017.01-2018.12
8. 东南大学土木工程材料重点试验室开放基金(CM2013-05),多元复合矿物掺合料对现代水泥基材料水化机理影响研究,3万,2014.01-2015.12
9. 高性能土木工程材料国家重点实验室开放基金(2013CEM005), 5万,2014.01-2015.12
10. 南京林业大学高学历人才基金(GXL2013036),4万,2013.09-2016.12
1. 海水海砂混凝土表层防腐与骨料强化技术研究, 2020.01-2021.12
2. 结构用EPS轻混凝土配制技术研发, 2020.01-2021.12
3. 高性能装配式内隔墙板生产工艺优化,2020.01-2021.12
4. 配式建筑墙板专用砌筑(勾缝)砂浆配方与工艺研发,2021.01-2022.12
5. 装配式非承重烧结空心墙板配方与工艺研发,2021.01-2022.12
6. 介孔中空颗粒增强超隔热外墙保温板制备与工艺研发,2021.01-2022.12
7. 高性能混凝土矿物掺合料相互作用机理研究,2022.08-2023.09
1. 张云升,张文华,刘建忠. 超高性能水泥基复合材料[M]. 科学出版社,北京,2014
1. Yilin P, Zhang Wenhua*, Wanting Z, et al. Study on the mechanical behaviors and failure mechanism of polyurethane cement composites under uniaxial compression and tension[J]. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering. 2022, 22(1). (SCI,EI)
2. Geng Z, Wu P, Zhang Wenhua*,Pan H, et al. Robust layer interface in cement additive manufacturing via silicate penetration and precipitation[J]. Materials & Design. 2022, 214: 110380. (SCI,EI)
3. Lei Z, Zhang Wenhua*, Yuan C, et al. Research on the dynamic impact performance of polyurethane cement-based composite[J]. Construction and Building Materials. 2022, 336: 127574. (SCI,EI)
4. Yuan J, Li D, Li W, Zhang Wenhua,et al. Study on frost resistance of EPS concrete based on EPS beads wrapping modification[J]. Construction and Building Materials. 2022, 345: 128400. (SCI,EI)
5. Yuan C, Zhang Wenhua*, Lei Z, et al. Dynamic impact compressive performance of expanded polystyrene (EPS)-foamed concrete[J]. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering. 2022, 22(4). (SCI,EI)
6. Yu W, Zhang Wenhua*, Peipei W, et al. Study on preparation and strengthening mechanism of new surface treatment agent of concrete at multi-scale[J]. Construction and Building Materials. 2022, 346: 128404.
7. Xi Y, Zhang Wenhua*, Yilin P, et al. Comparative study on damping test methods of concrete materials[J]. Construction and Building Materials. 2021, 300: 124367. (SCI,EI)
8. Yilin P, Zhang Wenhua*, Yunsheng Z, et al. Migration and transformation of heavy metals in glass-ceramics and the mechanism of stabilization[J]. Ceramics International. 2021, 47(17): 24663-24674. (SCI,EI)
9. 张文华*,杨冯皓,吕毓静,等. 泡沫混凝土的稳泡措施和机理研究进展[J]. 硅酸盐学报. 2021, 49(10): 2266-2275. (EI,卓越期刊)
10. Zou W, Zhang Wenhua*, Pi Y, et al. Effect of sintering temperature on solidification and migration of non-volatile and volatile heavy metals in glass-ceramic[J]. Ceramics International. 2021. (SCI,EI)
11. Wei L, Zuo W, Pan H, Zhang Wenhua, et al. Rational design of lightweight cementitious composites with reinforced mechanical property and thermal insulation: Particle packing, hot pressing method, and microstructural mechanisms[J]. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2021, 226: 109333. (SCI,EI)
12. Zhang Wenhua*, Wu F, Zhang Y. Early Hydration and Setting Process of Fly Ash-blended Cement Paste under Different Curing Temperatures[J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. 2020, 35(3): 551-560. (SCI,EI)
13. Zhang L, Geng T, Liu Z, Zhang Wenhua, et al. Effect of silica fume and calcium carbonate whisker on interfacial behavior of near-surface-mounted FRP with magnesium phosphate cement[J]. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering. 2020, 20(1). (SCI,EI)
14. Zhang L, Jiang Z, Wu H, Zhang Wenhua, et al. Flexural Properties of Renewable Coir Fiber Reinforced Magnesium Phosphate Cement, Considering Fiber Length[J]. Materials. 2020, 13(17): 3692. (SCI,EI)
15. Pan H, She W, Zuo W, Zhang Wenhua, et al. Hierarchical Toughening of a Biomimetic Bulk Cement Composite[J]. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2020, 12(47): 53297-53309. (SCI,EI)
16. Zhang Wenhua*, Pi Y, Kong W, et al. Influence of damage degree on the degradation of concrete under freezing-thawing cycles[J]. Construction and Building Materials. 2020, 260: 119903. (SCI,EI)
17. Lv Y, Zhang Wenhua*, Wu F, et al. Influence of Initial Damage Degree on the Degradation of Concrete Under Sulfate Attack and Wetting–Drying Cycles[J]. International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials. 2020, 14(1). (SCI,EI)
18. Zhang Wenhua*, Zeng W, Zhang Y, et al. Investigating the influence of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on the mechanical and damping properties of ultra-high performance concrete[J]. Science and engineering of composite materials. 2020, 27(1): 433-444. (SCI,EI)
19. Yang M, Guo Z, Zhang Wenhua*, et al. Static and Dynamic Compressive Stress-Strain Behavior of Recycled Tire Crumb Rubber Mortar[J]. Frontiers in Materials. 2020, 7. (SCI,EI)
20. Yujing L, Zhang Wenhua*, Fan W, et al. Static mechanical properties and mechanism of C200 ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) containing coarse aggregates[J]. Science and engineering of composite materials. 2020, 27(1): 186-195. (SCI,EI)
21. Zhang Wenhua *, Peipei W, Yunsheng Z, et al. The effect of carbon nanotubes on the mechanical and damping properties of macro-defect-free cements[J]. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials. 2020, 27(1): 28-40. (SCI,EI)
22. 张文华*,张仔祥,刘鹏宇,等. 多尺度纤维增强超高性能混凝土的轴心抗拉和抗压行为[J]. 硅酸盐学报. 2020, 48(8): 1-13. (EI,卓越期刊)
23. Zhang L, Jiang Z, Wu H, Wenhua Zhang, et al. Flexural Properties of Renewable Coir Fiber Reinforced Magnesium Phosphate Cement, Considering Fiber Length[J]. Materials. 2020, 13(17): 3692. (SCI,EI)
24. 张文华*,吕毓静,刘鹏宇. EPS混凝土研究进展综述[J]. 材料导报. 2019, 33(13): 2214-2228. (EI)
25. 张文华*,刘鹏宇,吕毓静. 超高性能混凝土动态力学性能研究进展[J]. 材料导报. 2019, 33(19): 3257-3271. (EI)
26. 张文华*,张云升,陈振宇. 超高性能混凝土抗缩比钻地弹侵彻试验及数值仿真[J]. 工程力学. 2018(07): 167-175. (EI,卓越期刊)
27. Zhang Wenhua*, Zhang Y. Apparatus for monitoring the resistivity of the hydration of cement cured at high temperature[J]. Instrumentation Science & Technology. 2017, 45(2): 151-162. (SCI,EI)
28. Liu Z, Chen W, Zhang Wenhua, et al. Complete Stress-Strain Behavior of Ecological Ultra-High-Performance Cementitious Composite under Uniaxial Compression[J]. ACI Materials Journal. 2017, 114(5). (SCI,EI)
29. 张文华*,陈振宇. 超高性能混凝土动态冲击拉伸性能研究[J]. 材料导报. 2017(23): 103-108. (EI)
30. 张云升,张文华,陈振宇. 综论超高性能混凝土:设计制备·微观结构·力学与耐久性·工程应用[J]. 材料导报. 2017(23): 1-16. (EI)
31. Zhang Wenhua*, Zhang Y S. Research on the static and dynamic compressive properties of high performance cementitious composite (HPCC) containing coarse aggregate[J]. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering. 2015, 15(3): 711-720. (SCI,EI)
32. 张文华*,张云升. 超高性能水泥基复合材料动态冲击性能及数值模拟[J]. 混凝土. 2015(10): 60-63. (CSCD)
33. 张文华*,张云升. 超高性能水泥基复合材料抗爆炸试验及数值仿真分析[J]. 混凝土. 2015(11): 31-34. (CSCD)
34. 张文华*,张云升. 高温条件下超高性能水泥基复合材料水化放热研究[J]. 硅酸盐通报. 2015(04): 951-954. (CSCD)
35. 张文华*,张云升. 高温养护条件下现代混凝土水化、硬化及微结构形成机理研究进展[J]. 硅酸盐通报. 2015(01): 149-155. (CSCD)
36. Zhang Wenhua, Zhang Y, Liu L, et al. Investigation of the influence of curing temperature and silica fume content on setting and hardening process of the blended cement paste by an improved ultrasonic apparatus[J]. Construction and Building Materials. 2012, 33: 32-40. (SCI,EI)
37. Zhang Wenhua, Zhang Y, Zhang G. Static, dynamic mechanical properties and microstructure characteristics of ultra-high performance cementitious composites[J]. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials. 2012, 19(3). (SCI,EI)
38. Zhang Y, Zhang Wenhua, She W, et al. Ultrasound monitoring of setting and hardening process of ultra-high performance cementitious materials[J]. NDT & E International. 2012, 47: 177-184. (SCI,EI)
39. Zhang Wenhua, Zhang Y, Zhang G. Single and multiple dynamic impacts behaviour of ultra-high performance cementitious composite[J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. 2011, 26(6): 1227-1234. (SCI,EI)
40. Zhang Wenhua, Zhang Y S. Experiment Study on Resistance of Ultra-High Performance Cementitious Composites Subjected to the Deep Penetration Scaled Earth Penetrator[J]. Advanced Materials Research. 2010, 163-167: 4585-4589. (EI)
1. 张文华,张云升. 一种高强、高韧、高抗冲击、高耐磨水泥基复合材料及其浇筑方法, 2014.03.04., 中国, 201410076391.5
2.张云升,张文华,孙国文. 混凝土早期结构形成过程的监测装置, 2010.01.13., 中国, 200920036996.6
3.张云升,张文华,孙国文. 水泥混凝土结构形成过程原位监测装置及方法, 2009.09.09. , 中国, 200910028456.8